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肯德基 KFC | 清真友善 Halal-friendly
Dough Bros Tai Hang - Pizza & Doughnuts
JoJo Indian Cuisine
李家 Lee's chicken Hof and Soju (灣仔 Wan Chai)
Harvest House Sushi 家賀屋刺身壽司專門店
十里洋場 10 Shanghai
McDonald's 麥當勞
魚一壽司 Sakaraichi Sushi
串燒王 BBQ King
Tulsi Indian Restaurant 羅勒印度餐廳
An Nam 安南
天然豚骨拉麵專門店一蘭 ICHIRAN
Ask For Alonzo
龍城冰室 Dragon City Cafe (CWB)
27 Kebab House Turkish Restaurant
Baan Thai
Dilliwale - Food Paradise of India
Pici Pasta Bar
甜姨姨 Auntie Sweet
Wing Fat Restaurant 榮發茶餐廳
Hungry Korean
雲桂香 Yugu Noodle
川滿居 Taste of Siuhuan